In the candidate profile you will find all important information about your applicants. View the personal data and documents, create appointments or exchange information with your colleagues about the individual applications. Learn all the details in this article.
Open the candidate profile
A profile is automatically created as part of an application. You can access the candidate profile in two ways:
- Go to "Candidates" and open a profile by clicking on the desired line.
- Open a current job. Here you will find the applications for the respective job under "Your candidates". Click on the desired person to open the profile.
Please note that you can only see the candidates or use the functions for which you have been approved by your admin.
Structure of the candidate profile:
- On the left side you can see the applicant's personal data, tags, additional data fields, as well as the CV.
- On the right side you will find further information about the application(s), as well as upcoming deadlines. Below you will find a list of documents, as well as an application history incl. comment option.
Menu bar
The following general functions are available in the upper menu bar.
- „Print“: Print the desired profile simply via Application Manager.
- „Download“: Download documents or the whole profile as a PDF document.
- „Assign to a job“: Assign a person to another job with this function.
- „Contact“: Contact your candidates to get more information or to discuss further steps.
- „Close“: Close the candidate profile using this button.
Read more details in the following chapters.
You have the following options to download documents or the entire profile as a PDF file:
„Merge PDF files“: Download the different documents of the person in one file. Please note that the function is displayed only if PDF files have been uploaded to the candidate's profile.
- „Download candidate profile“: With this option you can also download the candidate profile including contact and additional information, professional experience, education, custom data fields, cover letter as a PDF document.
- „Download anonymous candidate profile“: Do you want to share applications anonymously or externally? Download the candidate profile via this button and the personal data, such as name, date of birth, etc., will not be displayed.
- „Download stored personal data“: With this function you can save all data and documents of the respective person including the custom data fields and a file in JSON format on your computer. Please note that the documents are provided compressed in ZIP format. In order to open the documents, you will need to have an appropriate application on your computer. If you have any questions about this application, please contact your internal IT department.
Assign to a job
Is an applicant also qualified for another position? Use this function to assign a different job to a person. To do this, click on the "Assign to a job" button (1), select the corresponding job from the list (2) and activate the following fields if required:
- „Copy documents from existing application“ (3): If you want to take the documents from another application, activate this field and select the corresponding job from the list (4). In addition, you can also take the cover letter from one of the jobs you selected (5).
- „Cancel existing application“ (6): If you want to withdraw another application at the same time, check this box and select the corresponding job (7).
Unfinished applications that a person has abandoned cannot be processed. However, if you have received enough data to continue your recruiting process, you assign a suitable job to the person. Thus, they become a normal applicant and you can ask the person to complete the application.
Use this feature to get in touch with your candidates to clarify open points.
- „Invite to apply“: If you would like to recommend an interesting job in your company to your applicants, send them a message including the link to the application. Select the relevant job from the list (1) and write a personal message (2).
- „Invite to questionnaire“: Do you need more information from the applicant? Send him predefined questionnaires (1) or individual questions (2).
For candidates in the status "NEW", you can also specify whether the status should be changed automatically when the person completes this step. Of course, in this case you can also define the corresponding status yourself.
- „Offer extended data retention“: In this step, offer your candidates a longer data retention period.
Application type
The following special application types are marked with a separate icon in the upper left corner of the candidate profile:
Email applications
Applications via WhatsApp (available in Ultimate package)
XING Instant apply (available in Ultimate package)
If an application was forwarded to Application Manager by email, you will see the corresponding note in the info box. Check the person's data and then confirm it via the "Confirm profile" button.
You can find more information on this topic in our article "Manage email applications".
Name and photo
In this section you will see the name and photo of your candidate. If no photo has been stored, only the monogram of the person is visible. If you want to upload a profile picture, click on this monogram.
Tags allow you to mark promising talents. You can use them to emphasize special knowledge and skills or to indicate areas or positions for which the respective person is suitable.
To do this, click on "Edit tags" (1) and select the desired tag from the drop-down list (2) (multiple choice is possible).
You want to create your own tags? In the article "Manage talents efficiently" we show you how to do this.
Personal notes
Note down information about the respective person here. This field is only visible to you. Please do not forget to save.
Personal data
The contact data and language skills of the applicants are displayed in this area. Click on "Edit" (1) to add or change data (2). In addition, you can also store the link to the XING profile or other relevant URLs/links (3).
Application Manager automatically checks the candidate list for possible duplicates. If there are any, the information will be displayed under "Potential duplicate" (4). Read more useful information about duplicates in the article "The candidate list".
Custom data fields
Do you have additional information about your applicants that you would like to save in the candidate profile? Add them in the form of custom questions by clicking on "Add" (1) and selecting the corresponding topic from the list (2). You can customize the answer to the custom question using the "Edit" button (3).
Custom questions can be created by Application Manager users with admin rights under "Settings" > "Applications" > "Custom questions". In the article "Create custom questions and questionnaires" we have summarized the exact procedure.
Candidates have different options to upload the CV ― depending on what you have defined in the settings:
- The CV can be uploaded as a file.
- Candidates can enter the individual information manually in the application form.
- Female candidates can also apply using their XING profile.
The view in the candidate profile varies according to the chosen method:
- CV (1): If the candidate uploads a document, this document will be displayed to you here. You can save the file on your PC or print it out. In addition, it is also possible to change the view to "Parsed CV" (2). In this case, the data ― if possible ― will be extracted from the document and displayed in tabular form. You can also edit the resume in the parsed view by adding new data (3) or editing existing data (4).
- Standardized CV: If the candidate manually fills out the CV or imports the data from the XING profile, this data is displayed in a standardized format, in table form. In this view, you can add new information (3) or edit existing data (4).
- XING profile (5): If the candidate has imported the resume from the XING profile, the resume from the XING profile will be displayed here (as long as you have linked your XING account with Application Manager).
Via "Import new file" (6) you can also upload a CV manually. Please note that in this case the following existing data will be overwritten:
- Experience
- Education
- Skills
- Languages
- Qualifications
- Awards
- Organizations
Active applications
At "Active applications" (1) you will find the applications of your candidates. Using the drop-down menu (2), you can select whether you want to display all or only a specific application.
Please note that the information displayed in the right column always refers to the selected application. Are you missing information from the activity history? Select "Show all applications" in the menu to display all information.
You can see the following information about the applications:
Status in the hiring process (1)
This shows the status in your hiring process where the respective person is currently located. Click on the box to change the status: enter the new status (2) and — if desired — a reason for your decision (3). Then save the change (4).
Please note that the available options depend on your access permission, which is assigned by your admin.
Application source and date
If the application source could be entered manually or automatically, the source is displayed in this area. Otherwise, only "unknown" is displayed here. Move the mouse over the date and more information will be displayed (e.g. HTTP referrer).
Cancel application
Has your candidate changed his/her mind? You can manually cancel the application by clicking on the crossed out O.
Your candidates' documents are displayed in this section. Upload additional documents by either clicking on "Add" (1) or dragging and dropping them onto the "Attachments" field (2). You are welcome to upload multiple files at once.
For files that you upload yourself, you can additionally define whether they should only be visible internally or also for the respective person. Click on the eye symbol to select the desired setting.
More options in this area:
- Hover the mouse over the letter "i" (3) to display who uploaded the document.
- Click on the arrow (4) to download the document to your PC.
- Using the recycle bin icon (5) you can delete documents.
Are you having problems uploading documents?
Often files are damaged or improperly formatted and so are not recognized by the system. Try the following suggested solution: open the document in your program of choice and select the "Print as PDF" option when printing. The document will be saved correctly this way and should be able to be uploaded without any problems.
Meeting invitations
Appointments are created job-related, i.e. first select the desired application under "Active applications" (1), otherwise the "Appointments" section will not be displayed. Now invite your candidate to a meeting directly via Application Manager by clicking on "New invitation" (2).
Read more details about appointments in our article "Your onlyfy calendar".
Activities & messages
In this area you can read the messages of your candidates (1), follow the different activities in the form of system messages (2) or communicate with your colleagues via the "comment function" (3). With the button "All" (4) you can view the complete activity history.
The comment feature
Do you want to comment on a message or activity internally or address a person from your team? Enter a comment in the comment field of the desired activity and click "Save." This information will be visible internally to all colleagues who have permission to view the job in question.
By using the "@" symbol followed by the name of the desired person, you can target your comment to a specific person. In this case, depending on the system settings, the marked person will be informed (by email and/or via in-app notification).
Please note that comments posted here cannot be changed or deleted for traceability reasons.
Delivery confirmation
Application Manager automatically shows you if your messages were received, read, or if there was a delivery error.
Message was sent
Message has arrived
Message has been opened
Error in delivery. Please verify the email address and/or contact the receiver in another way.
Please note that some email applications prevent the delivery and reading functions. In addition, messages can also be intercepted by spam filters and thus no notification will be sent to Application Manager either.
Scheduled message. You can see the time of sending directly above the message.
Data erasure
At the end of the candidate profile you can see when the automatic data deletion will take place. In addition, you have the option to request the deletion or to delete the data immediately.
Please note that deleted data cannot be restored.