Do you want your candidates to find your location easily? Add an interactive map to your job ad template with the Job Ad Designer in just a few simple steps. In this article we will guide you through the process step by step.
Step1: Find your location on Google Maps
Open Google Maps in your internet browser and search for the address of your company. After you have found it, click ´Share´ on the left side.
In the next window, select ´Embed a map´ (1) and copy the displayed link by clicking ´Copy HTML´ (2). The data will be saved to the clipboard.
Step 2: Edit your job template with the Job Ad Designer
Add a paragraph to your job template and open the HTML source code editor by clicking the ´<>´ icon.
Delete the existing text and paste the Google Maps link you copied in the first step into the source code editor.
To make the display adapt to the width of the browser, replace the fixed width (width) ― 600 in our example ― with 100%.
Save the change with the ´Save´ button and now you will see the map already in your job template.