Do you want to insert you kununu widget in your job ad? Our job ad designer offers you the possibility to insert your widget with the help of HTML codes.
- You need the code first. To do this, log in to “Mein kununu” with your XING data.
- In the left-hand navigation menu, go to the “Sichtbarkeit erhöhen”>“Website-Widgets” section.
- Select a widget design. The corresponding code is automatically generated at the bottom.
- Click on the “Copy icon”.
2. Edit the job ad designer template
- Go to your job ad designer template under
"Settings" > "Jobs" > "Job templates".
- Select a job template. Next, add a paragraph to your job template and open the HTML source code editor with the „<>“ button.
- Now paste the copied code here and click on “Save”.
- The kununu widget will be shown to you in the job template after saving the changes.