Publish your job ads in Germany via the job platform of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). The direct connection in the Application Manager makes this possible with just a few clicks.
1. Set up the interface
To use the interface of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency), you need a current cooperation agreement with them. You do not have a cooperation agreement yet? Please send a request to .
The official statement of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit:
To enable the interface to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (HR-BA-XML) in Application Manager, please send our Customer Service Team a request.
After activating the interface, you can set it up independently in a few steps. Open Application Manager and go to "Settings" (1) > "Integrations" (2) > "HR-BA-XML Integration" (3). Add your access data you received from the Federal Employment Agency, when concluding the cooperation agreement, here:
- "Supplier ID" (4): Visbile in the "certificate email".
- "Partner ID" (5): Appears as "alliance partner number" (Allianzpartnernummer) in the "certificate email".
- "Hiring Organisation ID" (6): The "Hiring Organisation ID" is on the contract, which was transmitted by the Bundesagentur. Alternatively, you can also find this in your company account at the Federal Employment Agency under the heading "Unsere Daten" (EN: Our data).
- "Zertifikat Kennwort" (7): The certificate password will be sent by mail from the Federal Employment Agency.
- "Zertifikat Datei hochladen" (8): Upload the certificate document, which can be found in the "certificate email".
- "Bewerbungsarten" (9): The information about the application type is displayed in the job board of the Federal Employment Agency (applies to all jobs).
2. Publish jobs via the Federal Employment Agency
To publish a job via the Federal Employment Agency, go to the step "Publish" (2) as part of the job creation process (1) and select "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" (3).
In the next step, fill in the corresponding data.
Job details > Mandatory fields:
- Titel (1) = Title
- Stellenangebotsart (2) = Job offer type
- Beruf (3) = Profession
- Postleitzahl (4) = Zipcode
- Ort (5) = Location
- Stellenbeschreibung (6) = Job description
Job details > Other optional fields:
- Alternativer Beruf 1 und 2 = Alternative professions
- Sozialversicherungspflichtig = Subject to social security contributions
- Mini Job = Mini job
- Betreuung der Stelle durch BA erwünscht = Supervision of the position by BA (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) desired
- Vorhandene Ausbildungsberechtigung = Existing training authorization
- Vorhandener Tarifvertrag = Existing collective agreement
- Arbeitszeit = Working hours
- Vertragslaufzeit = Contract period
- Vergütung = Remuneration
- Region
Furthermore, you still provide the following information:
- All details about the contact person/Ansprechpartner (1).
- Publishing date: Please activate the field (2) and enter the desired date (3).
Now click on the "Speichern & Veröffentlichen/Save & Publish" button (4) to apply the entered data.