The following information will help you get started so that you can work productively as quickly as possible. You will learn which components you need to set up in advance and where to find further information.
Procedure for use
Your job requirements
You log in to the XING TalentService website with your XING profile. There you enter the information relevant to the position into a briefing form.
Briefing interview
In a 60-minute briefing meeting, our recruiting professional will advise you on your job requirements. The chances of success in filling the position are also discussed openly.
Talent search and selection
After the assignment, your recruiting professional begins the talent search and finds the right talent for your needs based on many years of recruiting experience and innovative algorithms.
Your TalentList
Within a maximum of 7 days, you will receive a list of approximately 30 suitable talents and all relevant information in your TalentService dashboard.
Approach suitable candidates
For a successful direct approach, you will receive 30 additional XING messages and a selection of professional message templates.