Familiar with worrying if your job ads stand out from the crowd? Uncertain how to ensure a professional appearance while keeping the effort to a minimum? The Job Ad Designer gives you the freedom and flexibility to create customized job templates for your company! Helpful templates and the intuitive editor offer a wealth of knowledge on your path to professional job ads. Learn all the basics to make the most of this feature in this article.
1. Where to find the Job Ad Designer
Create and edit your own templates in the settings. For this purpose, go to "Settings" (1) > "Jobs" (2) > "Job templates" (3).
By default, the templates "Job Design Creative" and "Job Design Modern" are available to our customers for free use.
Do you have an onlyfy Prescreen Account? Your templates, which were not created with the Job Ad Designer, can be found under "Old templates".
The following functions are available on the job templates dashboard:
- "Add job ad template" (4): With this function, you create your new job templates using the Job Ad Designer.
- "Edit" (5): Here you can edit the templates you have created using the Job Ad Designer.
- "Set as default" (6): You can define a template as the default one. This is preselected when a new job is created. It is possible to define a template as the default for both the old and the new templates.
- "Duplicate" (7): You can duplicate templates and edit them accordingly.
- "Remove" (8): You can delete templates, which you do not need anymore. Please note, that this is a non-reversible process, so you have to confirm it.
2. How to create a new template
To create a new job template, go to "Add Job Template". You can edit existing templates by clicking on the "Edit" button. In the next step, the Job Ad Designer editor will be opened. This consists of three main areas:
- Design settings (1): Under "Design" you can define the colors and fonts. Structural elements such as columns, headers, introductions and much more can be found in the "Components" section.
- Title, view, language (2): In addition to the title you can also edit the view and the language.
- The job ad template (3): You design your template in this area.
When creating a template, a predefined structure is available with the following components:
- Banner (Advanced component)
- Introduction (Smart component)
- Your tasks (Smart component)
- Your Profile (Smart component)
- What we offer (Smart component)
- Contact (Smart component)
You can customize or remove these blocks as you needed.
3. How to design templates
You can build the structure of your templates with the help of our components or use a predefined, structured template. You can also define your own colors and fonts.
3.1 Design: Colors
In this section you can adapt the colors of the template to your own color design. You can define the colors for the following sections by clicking on the button:
- Background: The color of the whole template.
- Paragraph: The color of the text in the paragraph.
- Buttons: Background color of the apply button.
- Buttons text: The color of the apply button text.
- Headings: The color of the headings.
The colors can be defined as follows:
The colours can be defined as follows:
To switch between HEX, RGB and HSL, click on the grey button with the respective name.
We recommend you use the exact HEX, RGB or HSL parameter to get the precise color values of your company. You will receive this information from the responsible colleagues within your organization.
3.2 Design: Fonts
In this section you can set the font, size and weight for the headline level 1 (1), for the paragraphs (2) and for the "Apply" button (3).
In addition to the standard fonts (Arial, Arial Black, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana), you can also choose from the wide range of Google Fonts.
3.3 Basic components
The basic components work in the same way as building blocks. Simply drag and drop them into your template.
With this component you add a paragraph to your template that is already defined as a heading. You can insert heading levels 1 and 2 as a component in your job template. You can also set all levels (H1 to H5) directly via the "Heading" button in the editing bar.
You can edit the text
- by double clicking on the column OR
- by selecting the column with a left-click and choosing the gear icon.
Besides the standardized design options, like text color, alignment, lists, you can also make use of placeholders. For more details see the section "Standard placeholders".
You can access the source code (HTML) with the <> button.
The heading matches the HTML tag <h1>. The size of the header will be calculated automatically based on the heading 1. Every header level is 1,2 smaller than the first level (e.g. H1 = 24 px > H2 = 20 px).
With this component you add a text block to the template. Customize it with the same tools like you use for the heading.
The paragraph is equivalent to the HTML tag <p>.
These components allow you to define a multi-column layout. You have 2 to 5 columns available by default. You can change the columns via the gear icon (1).
- Gutters (2): Here you can define the horizontal and vertical distances between the columns in pixels (px).
- Width (3): To edit the length of the columns, adapt the value in this section to your needs. The length of the columns make up 100 %. This means, in case you have two columns, the length will be 50 % for each column.
- You insert additional columns with the "Add column" button (4).
Please note: When you delete a column, then the content will be removed, too.
The apply button
In order for candidates to apply, each template needs at least one "Apply now" button (1). You are welcome to add more than one button. You can customize the text by clicking on the gear icon (2).
In addition, we have added a hover effect (90% transparency) to the button to give your job ads a nice touch.
Ultimate Feature: Apply via WhatsApp
Add the "Apply via WhatsApp" button to your ads to allow your candidates to apply via WhatsApp.
3.4 Advanced components
The advanced components also work in the same way as building blocks. You can Simply drag and drop them into your template.Image
Insert images into your template by dragging the "Image" component into the template (1). Then either click on the "Upload" button (2) or directly on the component and then on the gear icon. Now insert your images by clicking on the "Upload file" button (3) or by dragging them directly onto the "Drop file here" area (4).
Supported formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG, WebP
You want do redirect the applicants to your homepage when they click on your image? Just add the full link including "http(s)://" into the field "Link to" (5). You can also create and add a placeholder as a link or part of your link.
Describe the image for people with impaired vision under "Alternative text for images" (6). We recommend you to leave the field empty if the image is used only as a design element.
The banner is one of the central elements of your template. Not only because this image will be used for your desktop version, but also because the various job markets like XING will use this one on their homepage. This is also the reason why you are allowed to use the banner only once in a template.
Gallery: The structure view also provides you the possibility to create a gallery with max. three images.
To upload your pictures go to the structure view (1), click on the gear symbol (2) and select "Add additional image" (3). Your images will be shown in the order in which you have uploaded them.
The images in the structured version must meet the following requirements::
- Image size: 1140 x 456 pixels
- Format: jpg, jpeg, png
- Size: max. 2 MB
Please make sure that the images have the same pixel size, otherwise they will be scaled to the aspect ratio of the first image.
As with the images, you have the following two additional options for the banner:
- You want do redirect the applicants to your homepage when they click on your image? Just add the full link including "http(s)://" into the field "Link to" (1). You can also create and add a placeholder as a link or part of your link.
- Describe the image for people with impaired vision under "Alternative text for images" (2). We recommend you to leave the field empty if the image is used only as a design element.
Footer image
Customize your job template by adding an image to the footer. Just like the banner, you can also insert this element into the template only once.
To upload a footer image either click on the gear icon (1) or on the "Upload" button (2). Then insert your images via the "Upload file" button (3) or drag them directly onto the "Drop file here" area (4).
Supported formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG, WebP
You want do redirect the applicants to your homepage when they click on your image? Just add the full link including "http(s)://" into the field "Link to" (5). You can also create and add a placeholder as a link or part of your link.
Describe the image for people with impaired vision under "Alternative text for images" (6). We recommend you to leave the field empty if the image is used only as a design element.
Videos are a great way to make your job ads more attractive. Drag the "Video" element into your job template (1), click on "Choose" (2), paste the link you want (3) and save the changes (4). Please note that you can only add this element once.
Supported video portals: YouTube and Vimeo.
When posting your jobs on LinkedIn, please note that videos are not accepted by LinkedIn.
Social Media
Link to your social media channels in your job ads. To do this, add the "Social Media" element (1) to your job template and click "Add social media links" (2). You can add the following channels to your job templates using the corresponding link (3):
- Company website
- XING company page
- kununu
- YouTube
- TikTok
After saving (4), the icons of the selected channels will be displayed in your job template. Please note that this element can only be added once to the template. Therefore, each channel can only be displayed once.
Section with title
With this component you can add a layout block to your template which contains a title and a text block. You can also add other components.
Please note: You will not be able to change this title in the job ads afterwards.
3.6 Smart components
With smart components you define areas instead of text or image blocks, which makes your work more easier. Additionally, on the one hand, the smart components will be automatically assigned to the appropriate section in the structured template, on the other hand, they will be used also for the job feed and API. You can customize the title of each component by clicking on it.
In this section you can introduce your company and state some general information about the job offer. The heading for this section is optional, so you can hide it with the eye symbol on the right side. You can add a job title within the introduction but you cannot format it as a heading.
The content of this component is equivalent to job_content_1 in the job feed. The corresponding itemprop is hiringOrganization.
Your tasks
This section is for the description of the future tasks of the candidates.
The content of this component is equivalent to job_content_2 in the job feed. The corresponding itemprop is responsibilities.
Your profile
Here you can list all of the skills and characteristics of your ideal candidate.
The content of this component is equivalent to job_content_3 in the job feed. The corresponding itemprop is qualifications.
What we offer
Besides the salary, other benefits like restaurant vouchers, company cars or extra vacation days are of great interest for the candidates. List here all relevant information.
The content of this component is equivalent to job_content_4 in the job feed. The corresponding itemprop is incentives.
How do candidates get in touch with you? In case you have a specific contact person for the job, you can add their contact data in this section.
The content of this component is equivalent to job_content_5 in the job feed. The corresponding itemprop is contact.
3.7 Placeholders: How to import data automatically
Placeholder are elements used to represent dynamic content. For example, in the Application Manager, the placeholder "%lastname%" represents the last name. If you include this placeholder in your messages, the candidate's last name will automatically be included in each message.
Placeholders also allow you to create templates whose content automatically adapts to each job. These can be easily inserted using the editor (gear icon) of the relevant paragraph.
Standard placeholders
In the table below, we have put together a list of the standardized placeholders that are currently available to you.
Job | |||
Placeholder | Code | Example | Where can I change the settings? |
Title of the context job | %jobTitle% | Sales manager | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Job print url | %printUrl% | Automatically generated | |
Job application email | %jobEmail% | Automatically generated |
Institution/scope of the context job |
%institution% | Location Berlin | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Position type | %positionType% | Full time | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Seniority | %seniority% | Professional | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Field of work | %fieldOfWork% | Marketing | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Industry | %industry% | Medical services | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
City | %city% | Berlin | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
ZIP Code | %zip% | 10178 | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Country | %country% | Germany | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
%countryCode% | DE | Jobs > Edit > Job details | |
Head count | %headCount% | 2 | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Start of work | %startDate% | 05.07.21 | Jobs > Edit > Job details |
Job main contact | |||
Placeholder | Code | Example | Where can I change the settings? |
Title | %mainContactTitle% | Ms | Jobs > Edit > Job team |
Name of the main contact |
%mainContactFullName% | Ms Eva Musterfrau | Jobs > Edit > Job team |
First name of the main contact |
%mainContactFirstname% | Eva | Jobs > Edit > Job team |
Last name of the main contact |
%mainContactLastname% | Musterfrau | Jobs > Edit > Job team |
E-mail address of the main contact |
%mainContactEmail% | e.mf@example.com | Jobs > Edit > Job team |
Phone number of the main contact |
%mainContactPhone% | 555-123456 | Jobs > Edit > Job team |
Company | |||
Placeholder | Code | Example | Where can I change the settings? |
Name | %companyName% | Musterfirma GmbH | Settings > Edit |
Address | %companyAddress% | Friedrichstraße 43-45 10117 Berlin |
Settings > Edit |
%companyMail% | office@example.com | Settings > Edit | |
Phone | %companyPhone% | 555-654321 | Settings > Edit |
Website | %companyUrl% | www.musterfirma.com | Settings > Edit |
Privacy | |||
Placeholder | Code | Example | Where can I change the settings? |
Privacy url | %privacyUrl% | mf.jobbase.com/policy | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
DPO name | %privacyDpoName% | Ms Klara Datenschutz | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
DPO e-mail | %privacyDpoEmail% | k.ds@example.com | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
DPO phone | %privacyDpoPhone% | 555-87654 | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
DPO address | %privacyDpoAddress% | Friedrichstraße 43-45 | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
DPO country | %privacyDpoCountry% | DE | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
DPO city | %privacyDpoCity% | 10117 Berlin | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
Data retention period value | %privacyDpoRetentionPeriod% | 3 | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
Data retention period unit |
%privacyDpoRetentionUnit% | Month | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
Extended data retention period value |
%privacyDpoExtendedRetentionPeriod% | 12 | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
Extanded data retention unit |
%privacyDpoExtendedRetentionUnit% | Month | Settings > Privacy & Data processing |
Custom data fields
You can also insert custom questions or data, which you have defined in the "Settings" (1) > "Jobs" (2) > "Custom data fields" (3), into your template in the form of placeholders. To do this, simply activate the option "Display in job ads" (4). The respective additional data field is then displayed as a placeholder and can be inserted into the job template (5).
Date formats
It´s possible to customize the date formats with extra codes. Please find the appropriate formula in the following spreadsheet:
German | English | Code |
3.7.2021 | Jul 3, 2021 | %startDate% |
2021-07-03 | 2021-07-03 | %startDate.format (y-MM-dd)% |
Samstag, Juli 3 21 | Saturday, Jul 3 21 | %startDate.format (eeee, MM d yy) % |
The format of the days and month depends on the language of the template. The standard format of the certain language is set by default.
Please find the entire list of all possible formats here: https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/#date-field-symbol-table.
4. The optimal workflow: How to adjust the view of your templates effectively
You can customise your templates not only for the desktop version, but also for mobile devices or job boards (structured template).
We recommend that you create and design your templates in the following order:
- Desktop template
- Multi-language template
- Mobile template
- Structured template
Always activate the structured template at the end of the process. This ensures that all changes are applied.
Desktop template
Firstly, create your desktop template, which is optimized for computers.
Multi-language templates
In case you publish your job ads in several languages, create these templates in the second step. Just change the language options in the template to any desired language and add your text afterwards.
Application Manager automatically identifies the language of the candidate's browser and shows the job ad in the correct language (in case a translation has previously been added).
Please note: The Job Ad Designer does not translate the content. In case the browser language is unknown or unavailable, the predefined standard language will be used. Multi-language job ads will be used by platforms like the Widget. Job markets that currently do not support multi-language ads will use the standard language of your account.
Mobile template
Content and design of your template will be automatically adapted to the smartphone view. Please note that, in this view, it is not possible to display more than one column. Therefore, your multi-column templates will be converted to a single-column view. The width of the column will be adjusted to the total size.
You can also adapt the design of the mobile view to your needs in order to obtain the perfect layout. Click on the gear icon (1) and specify the desired width (2).
Structured template
Job templates created with the Job Ad Designer can be optimized for several purposes. Besides the desktop and smartphone view, you can also publish these templates on job markets, which require a special structure ("liquid design").
To achieve the most perfect job ad, you have to define five different sections:
- Introduction: Description of your company
- Your tasks: Description of the tasks
- Your profile: Description of the skills, degrees, experiences
- What we offer: Description of the benefits of the company
- Contact: Contact person for the candidates
You can customize each component via drag & drop or you can delete them, too. The headings are also editable.
Activate the structured view by moving the slider next to "Prepare structured template" (1) to the right. Now you will see the structured view (2) next to "Desktop" and "Mobile".
If text elements cannot be automatically assigned to a section, a message will appear at the top of the page. Click on "Components" and you will be taken to the bottom of the page. You can now drag these elements into the upper sections. If you do not distribute the components, the content will not be used.
In the structured template, you can adjust the following design settings:
- Background color for mobile devices (1)
- Color for headings and links (2)
We recommend that you always activate and adjust the structured view so that your job ads can be displayed optimally.
5. Publishing
The job ads and the content will be used by different platforms.
5.1 Candidate Center and Widget
The desktop and the mobile view of a job ad will be shown at the candidate center and the widget. The multi-language templates are available, too.
The ad will be shown in the browser language of the candidate – in case the language does not exist, the standard language of your Application Manager account will be used.
5.2 XING
When you publish on XING, the title and the content of your job ad will be delivered to their homepage.
Only the standard HTML tags, like h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, a, br, li, ol, ul, p, b, em, i, strong, will be conveyed. Other tags and attributes like inline-CSS and style-tags will be removed.
5.3 Job feeds
The standard job feeds are available in the format XML, XML-CData and JSON. Additionally, in Austria, you have the option to publish via jobs.at and karriere.at.XML & XML-CDATA
Tag | Description | Example |
bannerUrl | Path to the banner. | <bannerUrl>https://pineapple.onlyfy.com/recruiter-account-xxx/public/job/templates/images/xxx-07/xxxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxx.jpeg</bannerUrl> |
simple_html_content | Content of the ad without images and CSS styles. Like at XING, only the standard HTML tags will be used (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, a, br, li, ol, ul, p, b, em, i, strong). | <simple_html_content><h1>Raketen Techniker</h1><p><strong>Position: </strong>Vollzeit<strong><br></strong><strong>Standort: </strong>Paris<strong><br></strong><strong>Bereich: </strong>.... |
Description |
Here you find the whole content of the applied smart components from job_content_1 to job_content_5. <description> The consumer of the feed is able to classify the content due to the attribute itemprop. Additionally the order is always the same. |
<job_content_2 itemprop="responsibilities"><div data-v-fe3b4f94=""><div data-v-fe3b4f94=""><p><strong>Deine zukünftige Aufgabe</<br> |
Template |
ID and Name of the applied template. Please note: The ID is a UUID and not an integer as before. |
<template> <id>4d597434-db2b-4c82-xxxx-d84c8c301ef7</id><br> <name>onlyfy one Sales Manager</name><br></template><br> |
The JSON format is – except for the listed job contents – identical to the feed. The chronology matters for the content of the field "description".
„description": { "job_content_1": "", // Inhalt von „Einleitung“ "job_content_2": "", // Inhalt von „Ihre Aufgaben“ "job_content_3": "", // Inhalt von „Ihr Profil“ "job_content_4": "", // Inhalt von „Wir bieten“ "job_content_5": "" // Inhalt von „Kontakt“ }
5.4 Karriere.at
Karriere.at is a special feed, which is used only for jobs in Austria. In order to use it, you need a contract with karriere.at.
The content of the job ad will be assigned to the field simple_html_content. The content of the ad will be provided without images and CSS styles. Only the standard HTML tags will be (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, a, br, li, ol, ul, p, b, em, i, strong).
<simple_html_content><h1>Raketen Techniker</h1><p><strong>Position: </strong>Vollzeit<strong><br></strong><strong>Standort: </strong>Wien<strong><br></strong><strong>Bereich: </strong>Vertrieb und Handel<strong><br></strong><strong>Eintrittsdatum: </strong>2021-07-14</p><p><strong>Einleitung</strong></p><p>onlyfy one entwickelt eine cloud-basierte E-Recruiting Lösung für Unternehmen aller Größen. Das machen wir im Herzen Europas - genauer gesagt, in Wien. Gegründet im Jahr 2014 arbeitet unser Team seither mit HR-Abteilungen und Arbeitssuchenden zusammen um zu ermöglichen, dass talentierte Menschen im richtigen Job genau das tun können, was sie lieben und was ihnen am besten liegt.</p> <p>Seit Juli 2017 gehören wir zu XING, dem führenden beruflichen Netzwerk im deutschsprachigem Raum. Gemeinsam wollen wir die Zukunft des Recruiting nachhaltig verbessern.</p><p><strong>Deine zukünftige
5.5 Jobs.at
< content><h1>Raketen Techniker</h1><p><strong>Position: </strong>Vollzeit<strong><br></strong><strong>Standort: </strong>Wien<strong><br></strong><strong>Bereich: </strong>Vertrieb und Handel<strong><br></strong><strong>Eintrittsdatum: </strong>2021-07-14</p><p><strong>Einleitung</strong></p><p>onlyfy one entwickelt eine cloud-basierte E-Recruiting Lösung für Unternehmen aller Größen. Das machen wir im Herzen Europas - genauer gesagt, in Wien. Gegründet im Jahr 2014 arbeitet unser Team seither mit HR-Abteilungen und Arbeitssuchenden zusammen um zu ermöglichen, dass talentierte Menschen im richtigen Job genau das tun können, was sie lieben und was ihnen am besten liegt.</p> <p>Seit Juli 2017 gehören wir zu XING, dem führenden beruflichen Netzwerk im deutschsprachigem Raum. Gemeinsam wollen wir die Zukunft des Recruiting nachhaltig verbessern.</p><p><strong>Deine zukünftige
5.6 Bundesagentur für Arbeit
Jobs in Germany can be posted also via the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency). The whole content of the ad will be assigned to the field "Stellenbeschreibung" and you can edit it before you book it.
5.7 Multi-poster and customer-specific job markets
The customer-specific job markets allow you to book your job ads via email. The email covers the job ad as an HTML document and a folder with all the images.
By using the structured template, the HTML also contains the below data.
The multi-posting provider are connected via the same data structure.
5.8 Public REST API
The public REST API allows access to jobs and also to the content of the job ads. Please find the complete description of the REST API in this document.
Field | Description | Example |
Description | The content of the job ad will be assigned to the fields simple_html_content and content. The content of the ad will be provided without images and CSS styles. Only the standard HTML tags will be used. (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, a, br, li, ol, ul, p, b, em, i, strong). | <content><h1>Raketen Techniker</h1><p><strong>Position: </strong>Vollzeit<strong><br></strong><strong>Standort: |
Job_Contents | The whole content of the used smart components will be listed here as JSON object. | "is_changeable": true, "created_at": "2021-05-11T08:49:32+02:00", "content": "<div data-v-fe3b4f94=""><div data-v-fe3b4f94=""><p><strong>Deine zukünftige Aufgabe..", "type": "responsibilities" |
Banner | The public link to the banner. | https://pineapple.onlyfy.com/recruiter-account-xxx/public/job/templates/images/xxx-07/xxxx-xxx-xx-xx-xxx.jpeg |
Job_banner_file | The banner will be conveyed as a base64 encoded string, when the header X-Prescreen-Include-Encoded-Files was set to true. |