Do you deliver job advertisements via feed to the XING job market and would like to import the data, which you receive in a *.json file, in MS Excel?
How do I get the *.json file
We can provide performance data for all job postings that are imported via XML Feed. We provide this performance data via a unique link as a *.json file.
Please contact us at if you would like to receive this link or have any questions about reporting.
What is listed in the file?
The performance report contains all job advertisements that were posted via feed and live on XING in the last 90 days.
The data is shown per job advertisement per day. Like this you have a detailed view of the performance of the job advertisement.
If a job advertisement was live within the last 90 days, all statistical data is displayed retrospectively starting from the date of the creation of the job posting.
Open *.json in Excel
Open a blank worksheet in Excel and open the Data (1.) menu. There, click on Get Data (2.) and select From File (3.) -> From JSON (4.).
Select the file and click Import.
In the new window, select To Table Convert (1.) at the top left and confirm this in the pop-up window with OK (2.).
To display all metrics, click on the double arrow (1.) in column1 and confirm with OK (2.).
Now you can see all the data in front of you. In order to display it as a table with which you can continue to work it, click on Close & Load in the top left.
Done - your finished table will look like this:
If you have any further questions, please contact us at