This job-specific candidate list shows all the people who have applied for the corresponding position.
The layout of the job-specific candidate list depends on your price plan:
- From February 2024, the previous job-specific candidate list will only be included in the onlyfy Prescreen price plan. Find out more in this article.
- All customers with an onlyfy Go, Core, Pro or Ultimate price plan will have access to the new job-specific candidate list as of February 2024. You can find all information on the new job-specific candidate list in our article "The job-specific candidate list".
How to open the job-specific candidate list
Select a job in the job list by clicking on it. Now all candidates who have applied for the corresponding job will be displayed under ´Your Candidates´.
Sort candidates
By default, the candidate list is sorted by creation date in descending order. To change the sorting, click on ´Created Date´.
Filter functions
Get a better overview by filtering your candidates according to certain criteria (1).
The logic behind the filter function
- By default, the filter is not activated and all persons are displayed.
- The filter remains unchanged when the page is reloaded.
- When the filter is reset, the list is updated and the filter is reset to the default state (filter is disabled).
What should I consider when filtering?
- You can search for the following data: First and last name, e-mail, last job title, name of last company (2).
- Use search operators (e. g. and, "", or) to search for specific terms.
- In addition to status, city and tags, further filter options are available under ´More´ (3).
Bulk actions
Bulk actions allow you to perform activities on several people at the same time.
The logic behind the check box
- All persons in the list can be selected with one click by ticking the box.
- Clicking again on the already selected field will deselect all persons.
- After the selection, the number of selected people in relation to the total number is displayed.
- The possible bulk actions appear as soon as at least one person is selected.
What should be considered for bulk actions?
- Contact: Click on ´Contact´ to write a message to everyone.
- Three-point menu: Invite selected persons to answer a questionnaire or offer your talents an extended data retention. To do this, click on the three dots and select the desired option.
- Export: Here you can download the candidate list to your computer in Excel format.
- Change status: Change the status in the hiring process all at once for the selected persons.
- Delete: This option irrevocably deletes the selected person.
The candidate profile
In the candidate list, you can see the following information about your candidates at a glance (1):
- Photo
- Name
- Information on previous employers
- Tags
- Star-rating
- Number of applications
- Status in the hiring process
- Custom questions (if enabled)
In addition, you can perform the following actions on the individual persons (2):
- Contact: Send a message to the candidate of your choice. In this case, the number of messages is unlimited.
- Invite to questionnaire: Ask the person additional questions by inviting them to answer a questionnaire.
- Delete: This option irrevocably deletes the selected person
- Offer extended data retention: Do you want to keep a candidate for potential job offers for your company? Offer an extended data retention.
- Start data erasure process: You can start the data erasure process at the request of your candidates.
To view the details of the application, click on the desired person. Read more details about the candidate profile in our article "The candidate profile".