Do you deliver job advertisements to the XING job market via API or feed, but cannot find your advert online on the XING job market?
Search on XING
Search the XING job market for parts of the job title without providing any further information.
Then narrow down your search little by little by:
- specify a location
- Include the company name in the search
- Set filters that you have provided - e.g. remote options or the discipline
If you cannot find the ad, the ad may not have been processed.
Check in your source system whether you have filled out all mandatory fields - to do this, consolidate the documentation for the feed or API connection and contact your system contact.
If you still cannot find the ad on XING, please contact us at with the following points
With feed interface
- Tell us the URL of the XML feed
- Provide information about the job advertisement such as
- ID
- Job title
- City
- further details to clearly identify the ad
With API interface
- Send us the LOG files for the create-Call (call and response)
Tell us the consumer key - Teilen Sie uns den Consumer Key mit
- Tell us the consumer key
- Provide information about the job advertisement such as
- ID
- Job title
- City
- further details to clearly identify the ad
We will check how the job advertisement is being processed and will contact you with details!
If you have any further questions, please contact us at