Analyse the performance of your XING Job Ads with our job statistics.
Log in to your XING Jobs account and click on the job ad of interest. Under "Job performance" you will find an overview of the performance of your job ad.
The following key figures are currently displayed:
Your conversions
Apply rate: The application rate is calculated by dividing the number of application intents (clicks on "Apply Now" on XING and kununu) by the number of views.
Visitors: Visits to your job advertisement.
Bookmarks: The number of times your job advertisement has been saved to favorites ("bookmarked").
Job ad life cycle
Impressions: The number of times the job advertisement was visible in search results.
Views: The number of clicks on your job ad.
Apply intents: Number of apply intents to your job ad (clicks on the apply button).
Applications: The number of applicants who applied using the "Apply Now" option on XING. If you have also published the job advertisement on other channels, the total number of applications may be higher.
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