There are many ways to refine the search by yourself. Among the well-known search operators are asterisks (*). Read what role the character plays and what it is used for.
Search operators like the asterisk are suitable for very special purposes in the search. In programming, the asterisk stands for a variable. In relation to the search with the TalentManager this means:
- By including an asterisk (*) in the search query, you leave room for any content.
- The * search only works at the end of words (at least 3 letters are required). You use the asterisk (*) if you are unsure of the spelling or want to get the largest possible number of hits. This way you can search for word beginnings, word variants and different spellings. For example, sales* will find sales manager, sales expert, sales specialist.
- The Boolean operators work in all free text fields of the search mask.
The more often this operator is used, the more variants of the respective word beginning are considered. Therefore, a result will eventually become too large or too imprecise if too many * are used in a search string. However, there is no clear order of magnitude for this. Our recommendation is that a search string should contain a maximum of 15 search words.