- Log in to your XING Jobs account, select an active job ad and go to "Profile Suggestions".
- Under "Job ad visitors on XING" you will see all the people who viewed your job ads.
- In addition to personal information, you can also see how often and when the respective person visited your job ad.
- Would you like to find out more information about the person? Click on the desired person to open their XING profile.
Would you like to contact a person?
First add them to your list of candidates (click on "+Add to candidates"), then go to the section "Your Candidates" and now you can send a message by clicking on the button "Start a conversation".
Attention! Only customers with an XING Job Ads Pro or Ultimate price plan have the possibility to send 5 direct messages per job ad.
Read more about our profile suggestions in the article "Profile suggestions for your XING Job Ads".