Custom data fields allow you to add additional information in the profile of your applicants.
The following two custom data fields are available as default:
- Earliest entry date: Specify here when your candidate can start.
- Salary expactations: Enter the salary expectations of the person applying.
The fields and the information they contain are only visible to users of the Job Ad account. Applicants do not have access to this data.
Manage custom data fields
The fields can be found in the candidate profile. To manage them, open an active job and select a candidate by clicking on the corresponding line.
Please note that custom data fields can only be added for persons who have already applied for a job.
On the left side of the candidate profile you will find the custom data fields. Click on "Add" and select a custom field. You can enter the answer to the question in the next step. You can formulate the information freely, there are no specifications for the format. In the last step, save your entry and the information will appear in the candidate profile.
Do you want to edit the answer? Click on "Edit". Do you want to add another custom data field? In this case, click on "Add".
If you want to delete a field, click on "Edit", delete the answer and click on "Save".