Would you like to map branches, subsidiaries or different areas separately in onlyfy Application Manager? You can use our ´Institutions´ function for this purpose.
Institutions can be used to represent subsidiary companies, branches or contractors who work with your onlyfy Application Manager. Depending on the use case, institutions can also be legal entities or abstract names.
Create institutions
People with admin rights can create institutions under ´Settings´ (1) > ´Access management´ (2) > ´Institutions´ (3) by clicking on ´Add an Institution/Scope` (4) . In the next window you can enter more information about your institution:
- Mandatory field: ´Institution / Scope name´ (5): Enter a descriptive name here.
- ´Is an official legal entity (subsidiary or branch office)´ (6): If so, move the toggle to the right.
- ´Redirect URL after application´ (7): You can redirect your candidates to a website of your choice once they have completed their application. Simply enter the link of your choice in this field.
- „BAXML Hiring organization ID“ (8): Do you use the link to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency) job board to post jobs in Germany? You can enter the ID of the relevant institution here.
Please note that you can only store one certificate from the Bundesagentur für Arbeit in ´Settings´ > ´Integrations´ > ´HR-BA-XML integration´. To link individual institutions with individual certificates in the background, please contact the Bundesagentur für Arbeit directly.
Once you have created an institution, it will appear in the overview and will automatically be given its own ID.
Company signature for institutions
If required, you can also create your own company signatures for your institutions. To do so, go to ´Settings´ (1) > ´Messaging´ (2) > ´Company signatures´ (3), click on ´Add signature´ (4) and select the desired institution under ´Institution/Scope´ (5). Once you have saved the signature, it will appear in the institution settings.
How to publish job ads of your institutions
Would you like to publish a job ad on your institution´s website? Thanks to our integration options (website widget, job feed and REST API), this is easy to do.
Website widget
Admin users can create multiple widgets in ´Settings´ (1) > ´Integrations´ (2) > ´Widget Configurations´ (3) and deploy them to different websites.
See our article "Widget integration" for a step-by-step guide for configuring a website widget.
Job feed
The following parameter can also be used to filter the job feed according to institutions and thus display them separately: &instance_id=
Example of an XML feed
step: Write down the ID of the desired institution. This can be found in ´Settings´ (1) > ´Access management´ (2) > ´Institutions´ (3) > ´ID´ (4).
In our example, we take the ID 32237 for the institution "Consulting 1".
step: Go to ´Settings´ (1) > ´Integrations´ (2) > ´Job feed´ (3) and copy the link under ´Request´ (4). Replace {format} at the end of the link with the format of your choice. Please also remove the special characters "{}".
In our example we will use the xml format.
Link at „Request“:
Link with xml-parameter:
step: Now add the following parameters at the end of the link, just after the format: &instance_id=
Insert the ID of your institution after the equal sign. In our example, this is ID 32237.
Link before customising:
Customized link:
The following steps are required to filter for institutions using the API:
- Write down the ID of the institution of your choice
- Create an API key
- Add the parameter instance[id] to the jobs´ ´GET´-request (https://api.prescreenapp.io/v1/job) and enter the ID of the corresponding institution as the value
The institution ID
You can find your institution´s ID in ´Settings´ (1) > ´Access management´ (2) > ´Institutions´ (3) > ´ID´ (4). Write down the ID of the institution you require.
Create an API key
To access institutions via API, the first step is to create an API key in ´Settings´ (1) > ´Integrations´ (2) > ´Rest API´ (3) > ´Create new API key´ (4). The API key, a code made up of letters and numbers, will then appear in the overview (5).
You can find all the details about the REST API in our article "Set up R/W REST API".
Adding parameter and ID
You can then enter the API key into the tool you are using to connect the account.
Depending on the tool you use, our images and fields may differ from your environment. In our example we are using Postman.
Now you can enter the required request ― in our case a "GET" request ― to receive the information.
The public API endpoint required for this can be found in our API technical information on the right. The following endpoint is required as it relates to job information in the context of institutions: https://api.prescreenapp.io/v1/job
Enter this public API endpoint in the "GET" request. Now add the parameter instance[id] and enter your institution's ID as the value.
In our example, we are working with the Postman tool and have entered the above parameters as follows:
- We have entered the public API endpoint https://api.prescreenapp.io/v1/job under "GET".
- Under "Query Params" we have entered instance[id] and next to it under "Value" the ID of our institution (32528).
Filter jobs by institution
In the job overview (1) you can filter your jobs by institution. To do this, click on ´More´ (2) on the right-hand side of the overview page and select the desired institution under ´Institution / scope´ (3). Now click on ´Search´ (4) and the jobs of the selected institution will be displayed.
You can also group or filter reports by institution.
For example, the predefined 'Source performance' analysis. To do this, open the report, click on ´Filters´ (1) and select the required institution under ´Institution / scope´ (2).