To help you get started quickly with Application Manager, we have put together some useful tips on settings in this article.
Are you interested in more information on each of these points? We have linked further helpful articles in the text or feel free to watch our video tutorials.
Personal profile
Customise your personal contact details, notification settings or even your profile picture at any time in your profile. To do so, click on your profile picture (1) and then on "My Profile" (2).
- Profile picture (3): Click on the photo icon to upload a photo.
- Name, role, phone number, birthday (4): Adjust your data by clicking on the pencil icon.
- E-mail (5): Change your e-mail address in this field. Confirm the change with your password and then click on "Save".
- Password (6): To change your password, enter your old and new password and click on "Save".
- Personal signature (1): Click on "Edit personal signature" to personalise your signature. Read all the details about creating the signature in our article "Create a signature".
- Notifications (2): Use this section to set how you want to receive notifications: by e-mail, in-app directly in Application Manager, or both. Please note that administrators can restrict the ability to change notifications.
Company profile
- Company data and logo: Click on the photo icon (1) to upload your company logo. Enter the company data by clicking on "Edit" (2).
- Company signature: Create your company signature under "Messaging" > "Company signatures". You can either adapt the standardized company signature to your corporate design by clicking on "Edit" or create a new signature using "Add signature". Read all the details on creating signatures in our article "Create a signature".
Access groups
Create transparency by getting your colleagues on board and adding them to one of the pre-configured access groups under "Settings" (1) > "Access management" (2) > "Access groups" (3). In this way, you ensure right from the start that each person only sees the information for which he or she is authorized.
Do you work in different recruiter teams? Go to "Settings" (1) > "Access management" (2) > "Recruiter teams" (3) to create new recruiter teams (4) and add your colleagues to the respective groups. Your advantage: Instead of adding all participants individually, you only enter the responsible recruiter team when creating a job (like a distribution list in Outlook, for example).
Application process
There are a number of reasons why people do not complete an application, but one of them is that the application process is too complex. onlyfy Application Manager automatically provides you with a simple, standardized application process. In the first step, you only ask for the most necessary information in order to make an initial decision. If an applicant has convinced you, you can request further documents or information in the next step.
Read our article "Application processes & forms: The path of your candidates" and take a look at the application form from the candidate's point of view.
Hiring process
Among other things, applicants want quick feedback and decisions. For this reason, we recommend that you make your internal processes as simple as possible. Use our best-practice hiring process to achieve this.
Create tasks
onlyfy Application Manager offers you two possibilities to create tasks directly on the dashboard:
- Click on "Create task" (1) to create a new task.
- In addition, you can also create tasks for yourself from your in-app notifications. To do this, go to "Latest notifications" on the dashboard, select the desired notification and click on "Create task" (2). Set yourself a deadline for processing the task by defining a due date.