Automate your processes with the help of our workflows to gain even more time for the essentials. In this article, we have compiled the most common workflows for you. For information on how to create and manage workflows, read the article "Automated workflows".
1. Notifications to candidates
1.1 Invitation to questionnaire
Description: If the application status is set to "FRAGEBOGEN" (questionnaire), then an invitation to the questionnaire should be sent to the candidate.
Users with admin rights can create questionnaires under "Settings" > "Applications" > "Questionnaires". You can find more information in our article "Create custom questions and questionnaires".
1.2 Invitation to evaluate the application process
Description: If the last application status change is "X" days ago and it is set to "EINGESTELLT" (hired), an invitation to evaluate the application process should be sent as an email to the candidate.
This flow is stored by default as "Feedback after new hire" in Application Manager.
1.3 kununu feedback
Description: If the application status is set to "KUNUNU", an invitation to submit an evaluation should be sent to the candidate by email. In addition, the tag "kununu" should be added to the candidate's profile.
1.4 General rejection
Description: If the application status is set to "ABGESAGT" (rejected), a rejection email should be sent to the candidate.
This flow is available by default with the title "Rejection e-mail" in Application Manager.
1.5 Rejection including status change and message
Description: If the custom question "X" was answered with "No", the application status "ABSAGE" (Rejection) with the reason "Y" should be assigned and a message with predefined content should be sent to the candidate.
For example: If the custom question "Driver's license" was answered with "No", the application status should be changed to "REJECTED" and a rejection mail should be sent to the candidate.
1.6 Unfinished application
Description: If "X" days after creation the application has not been completed, an encouraging message shall be sent to the candidate including the direct link to the application form.
1.7 Zwischenbescheid
Description: If the application process is delayed by more than "X" days, a notification shall be sent to the candidate.
2. Notifications to recruiters
2.1 Application withdrawn by applicant
Description: If the application is withdrawn by the candidate, the main job contact should be notified.
3. Changes in the candidate profile
3.1 Salary expectation
Description: If the candidate's salary range is between "xxxx,xx € - yyyy,yy" €, then the tag "€" should be added to the candidate's profile.
In order to compare the candidates' salary expectations, we recommend that you create three workflows with three different salary ranges.
Workflow €
Workflow €€
Workflow €€€
3.2 Employee referral
Description: If the application is finished and the application source is "Friends", then the tag "Empfehlung" (recommendation) should be added to the candidate's profile.